Thursday, May 9, 2013

This is more of a rant than a post, and it's not very important anyway

Hello all :)
Today I am at 35 1/2 weeks and today I had my last cardiology appointment before the baby comes. Everything looks great! I'll get to more of the appointment in a bit..
I have an acknowledgement/complaint. I know people are trying to be helpful and nice, but I am sick of everyone telling me how to be pregnant/everything I am going to experience/already did experience. I don't mind helpful advice, but when it reaches the point of telling me I have to do stuff a certain way... It gets annoying. I really don't feel like I can go anywhere right now without someone saying something about exactly what to expect and how things should be going. And I've had a few women tell me what to expect in the first and second trimesters when I'm already in my third. Thanks... I won't (I'll try not to) go into specifics. But it gets really frustrating. Every woman's pregnancy is different. I'm not saying mine has been more difficult than anyone else's, but it really hasn't been that easy either. People keep giving me obvious advice on all the ways to get rid of the nausea, heartburn, aches and pains, everything. Really, you don't think I've tried peppermint? Ginger? Back rubs? Baths? Etc.. Really? Which leads me to my next (and biggest) issue....
A disclaimer:
I do not judge anyone for wanting to deliver a specific way, everyone is different and can handle different levels of pain, and I feel like anyone who is about to eject a child from their body has a right to do it in an environment they are comfortable with (within reason, meaning as long as you aren't being stupid and irresponsible and putting the child's life/your life in obvious danger). If you can handle a natural delivery then you are a stronger woman than I could ever be.
A back story:
I have congenital heart disease, meaning I've had heart problems since birth. I've had a few surgeries, and one of them has led to a scar tissue build up along my aorta where a weakening was cut and then the stronger parts were sewn back together. This has been a concern of my doctor's throughout my life, especially in my pregnancy. With pregnancy and labor, more blood rushes through the aorta, and a major concern is having that scar tissue re open or balloon. So far everything looks good, and I can go on with a regular delivery. However, because of the added stress, I am not a candidate to have my baby "naturally". I have to have the epidural and pain medications.
Holy crap... I am shocked at the number of people that are just not okay with this. They just shove their unwanted, and frankly rude opinions at me. "You take/are going to take medications? They are SO unhealthy for you!" Good heck people.. Yes, I have had four Tylenol, and two Sudafed my entire pregnacy, and an occasional Zofran for my nausea. Get over it! I promise you, the once every three month Tylenol is NOT going to screw with my system. I'm so glad oils and herbal treatments work for you, I wish more of them worked for me. I've tried. Only a few work for me, and I do use them once in awhile.
Even if I was good to go for having a natural delivery, trust me, I don't think I would do it. I've weighed both sides of this, and knowing me and what I feel like handling, I want an epidural. People say "Oh but that is so bad for your body! It is so unhealthy to have medication while you are delivering!" Yes.... For the once every few years I plan on doing this, I am sure it is going to take quite the toll on me and my body will immediately become addicted to/tolerant of the medication I am given during the few hours I am delivering a child...Geesh....
I suppose I am ranting, and I don't mean to, I am certainly not trying to sound rude. I have enjoyed getting advice and having people tell me things that helped them or baby products they like to use, but I appreciate when they keep in mind that my pregnancy is not the same as theirs, and just because they never had a problem or something solved their problem really easily, doesn't mean it has/will fix mine. I try a lot of things people tell me, and many of them do at least help me a little (some of them have indeed fixed problems), but they act so surprised if it doesn't work or they act like I just lied to them that it didn't work.
Anyway, I'll get over myself now and stop complaining. I am enjoying getting ready for my boy to get here and I am SO EXCITED to have him in my arms. I have the cutest husband in the world and I think he might be getting more excited than me at this point. :) Just maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Abby you are so awesome, going through your pregnancy while being worried about your heart condition! It is hard to have a high risk pregnancy!! However you choose to deliver is perfectly fine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! When I gave birth a few months ago I opted for the epidural right away and I was SO GRATEFUL! It is wonderful, and not something that anyone should ever make you feel bad about!
