Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Counting the Days

It's been awhile, so I'll do some fun news and updates.
We're having a boy! Yay! He's so cute :) Being honest, at first I was a little surprised he was a boy. I was sure we were getting a girl. I am thrilled he is a  boy now that I have gotten used to it, but when we were first told I was kind of let down that I wouldn't be getting all of the baby girl clothes I saw at the mall the night before. But now that I've had time to get used to and super super excited about the idea, I can hardly wait to meet my little man.
This is kind of a TMI part, but it is kind of funny. There is no question he is a boy. We have a very very graphic picture of his manliness (that I will spare my readers from seeing). When I see that picture all that goes through my head is when they first showed Homer Simpson Bart after he was born and told him it was a boy and Homer shouts "AND WHAT A BOY!!!" My husband is super proud, and well, I am too :)
We don't have a name picked out for him yet, so we just call him Nibbler (yes, from Futurama).
As far as we can tell Nibbler is healthy and his heart looks great (mine wasn't so healthy when I was born, so we've been seeing a cardiologist up at Primary Children's to make sure he doesn't have issues too).
Nibbler is constantly moving. Anytime I remotely think "huh, I haven't felt him in awhile...." he flips and flops and pounces and I'm pretty sure skips around in my belly until I think he'll never stop. Needless to say, I'm TIRED!! It's surprising how much my energy just flies away at random.
 I still have some nausea throughout most days, but nothing like it used to be. Thank goodness! I feel like I can kind of function again!
This next part is kind of a ramble...
I have had a hard time with emotions during pregnancy. I talk back to strangers a lot more than I did before I was pregnant. Basically, I've pretty much never talked back to anyone, even when they've been completely on purpose rude to me. Now, I have no problem dishing it back. I have embarrassed Curtis on multiple occasions with this new development. I also feel the need to "rescue" everything, especially the babies and the animals, oh my gosh the animals... I have been so into animals lately it disgusts even me. Today I got to go look at the little ducklings at the store and just about cried I thought they were so cute. It's really pathetic. In my spare time, my brain makes me think about all the awful things that could possible happen to babies and animals. My husband thinks I'm absolutely insane, luckily he is patient and comforts me and helps me use the rational side of me that is buried deep down in there somewhere. It helps.
Anyway, pregnancy is weird. Super fun, and super hard, so it boils down to weird. I enjoy it, but I am counting down the days till it is over and I can meet my boy :)